

Using Effective Video Communication

Video can be a great presentation tool for engaging your audience.

Not everybody can deliver a slick presentation like Steve Jobs but we can help ourselves by ensuring that the materials we present are effective and engaging. 

That means our powerpoint or keynote presentations should be concise and meaningful and not overloaded with content. We want to inspire our audience and not leave them cold and uninterested. Leave behinds should be carefully planned and provide additional content as well as the key points in summary.

I have been working with a number of companies this year to help them present themselves more effectively and to provide their presenters with the confidence that their messages will be delivered in an engaging manner.

This post is all about using video within presentations. My next post will cover how to create engaging powerpoint/keynote presentations and leave behinds as well as top tips for presenters.

The video below was created for Sasse Transport Services and was designed to be an attention grabber at the start of new business meetings. It promotes the professionalism of the business and provides the viewer with some key information on Sasse's UK and European operations. As a relatively young company in the UK Sasse required a video that would show potential clients that they were more than competent to deliver successful bus cleaning services. 

The video uses a mixture of time-lapse photography mixed with still photography and animation.

Following on from the success of the 'promotional video' Sasse were involved in a number of tender processes and I worked with them to develop a complete video presentation. This was to ensure that they could deliver a full and comprehensive presentation in under 30 minutes. It also meant that clients would sit back and take in all the key information and ask questions at the end, which removed the potential for clients to derail the presentation team with 'left field' questions.

The video was set so that we could easily and quickly change certain video and audio segments to tailor the video to specific clients.

I also compiled a summary video for Not Just Cleaning to play at the end of their presentation to Green Park. Through the use of uplifting music and lighthearted animation I created a warm and inspiring video to provide NJC's client with a positive feeling of what it would be like to work together. The video (as well as the content within the main presentation) was a success and enabled NJC and Green Park to forge a working relationship.

Video can also be a great marketing tool. The video below was created for WasteMatters to showcase the product launch of their Waste Monitor at the NEC in Birmingham. The video was played on a loop on their stand and helped in attracting visitors to the stand.

After the event I copied the video onto usb devices which were sent out as part of a direct marketing campaign. You can see the A2 poster/mailer by clicking this link.

I'm currently working on two videos to be used as part of an employee engagement programme. I'll post them once they're out of the editing suite.

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